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Jeff Hoyt

Zeolite Powder vs Liquid Zeolite

Updated: Nov 17, 2024

A number of zeolite products have saturated the market in recent years, and what seems to be trending in the zeolite industry right now are "liquid zeolite" products.

What is Zeolite?

Zeolite is naturally occurring mineral that forms over time. Zeolite is an alkaline mineral that is very porous and has a negative charge. Since many toxic elements such as heavy metals are positively charged, zeolite is pulled to the toxins, like a magnet, and sucks them up into its structure. These dangerous substances become trapped in zeolite’s cage structure, and are then safely and gently carried out of the body. Zeolite can be a very effective detox tool when used properly.

Liquid Zeolite and Nanosized Zeolite

First of all just to clarify, liquid zeolite is not actually liquefied zeolite, it's powdered zeolite mixed with water. Powdered zeolite is sometimes the same as the liquid except in a powdered form that you can mix with water at home and make your own "liquid zeolite." So we are essentially talking about the same zeolite being used. In some cases however liquid zeolite supplements exclusively contain nanosized zeolite particles which are smaller than what is used in many powdered zeolite supplements. The idea here is that these nanoparticles can provide a full-body detox while many of the powdered zeolite supplements only detox the gut. This is great in theory but in reality these liquid zeolite supplements are limited in what they can detox and offer a low dose of zeolite compared to powdered zeolite products. And regarding the claim that only nano zeolite can offer a full body detox...Zeocharge is the only zeolite product on the market that has been proven to offer a full body, tissue level detox.

Liquid zeolite products contain tiny amounts of zeolite compared to ZeoCharge™. For comparison, our $59 jar of ZeoCharge™ contains between 1,000 and 25,000 times the amount of zeolite than most liquid zeolite products on the market.

Taking the wrong dose of zeolite can result in negative outcomes. A small dose will result in detox reactions, redistribution of toxins, and an ineffective detox. In order to effectively detox with zeolite you need a relatively high dose, and the more toxic you are the higher dose you need. The therapeutic doses often cannot be achieved with liquid zeolite supplements. For most liquid zeolite products you would need to take over 100 bottles per day to get the proper dose. Many people are tricked into thinking that their liquid zeolite supplement is working because they are experiencing a detox reaction. Yes, it is working to some extent but the fact that you are experiencing a reaction means you need a way higher dose. Utilizing a high-quality zeolite powder can expedite your results and reduce or eliminate the detox reaction, even in sensitive individuals.

Zeolite: The Dosing Dilemma

The traditional approach, which I highly recommend with most supplements, is to start with a very low dose and work your way up. Starting with a high dose of certain supplements could cause an adverse reaction or result in an unwanted detox reaction. This is especially important to consider with more sensitive individuals who often have strong reactions, both positive and negative when introducing new supplements. Someone on the Lyme/mold/MCAS spectrum is a prime example of this type of individual.

The biggest mistake I see people making with zeolite supplementation is taking too low of a dose. The traditional start low and slow approach to supplements does not apply with zeolite and in fact can be dangerous. Too low of a dose will result in detox reactions, redistribution of toxins, and an ineffective detox. In fact, although it seems counter-intuitive, if you experience a detox reaction from taking zeolite you should take a higher dose immediately. The higher the dose, the less likely you are to experience a detox reaction and redistribution of toxins. Utilizing a high-quality zeolite powder can expedite your results and reduce or eliminate the detox reaction, even in sensitive individuals.

This is one reason I highly recommend ZeoCharge™ over liquid zeolite products. It is difficult to get the proper dose of zeolite with liquid products, especially for toxic individuals who need a high dose. For some perspective - Our $59 jar of ZeoCharge™ contains between 600 and 1200 times the amount of zeolite than most liquid zeolite products on the market.

Here are five reasons that a higher dose of zeolite is safer and more effective than a lower dose.

Reason One: A Higher Dose Prevents Redistribution of Toxic Elements.

Redistribution occurs when things get stirred up and the body isn’t able to remove all of the toxins from circulation. The toxins that are not expelled from the body relocate to a new home in the body. Taking a higher dose of zeolite results in having enough available zeolite cages to deal with toxins currently in circulation and toxins that are pushed into circulation as things get stirred up in the body during the detox process. This prevents the body from being overwhelmed with toxins which results in redistribution and an overall stressful experience on the body.

Reason Two: A Higher Dose helps remove immune-stimulating toxins that are released during detox, preventing an unnecessary immune response resulting in inflammation.

As toxic elements are dumped into circulation the immune system starts attacking these elements which results in inflammation and stress on the body. Having available zeolite cages to bind to these toxic substances before the immune system attacks them will prevent inflammation and symptoms from occurring.

Reason Three: A higher dose of zeolite helps prevent or remove byproducts of detox that are stressful on the body such as excess histamine and free radicals. Available zeolite cages will help reduce current levels of free radicals and histamine along with any histamine and free radicals produced during the detox process.

Reason Four: A higher dose helps remove your “daily dose” of toxins that are lowering your body’s total detox potential. Removing these toxins allows your body to better deal with toxins dumped into circulation as things get stirred up during detox. Your daily dose of toxins is the total amount of new toxins your body is exposed to daily. The daily dose is made up of toxins from external exposure along with internal production. Most people don’t realize that the majority of the toxins the body is exposed to are generated from within. These internally produced toxins include metabolic waste and microbial waste. When you add these to other internally produced toxic substances such as free radicals and excess histamine, the daily dose of toxins adds up fast. If your body is already having a difficult time keeping up with its daily dose of toxins, starting a detox protocol to remove stored toxins may overload the body resulting in redistribution of toxins and uncomfortable detox symptoms. The higher your daily dose of toxins, the more zeolite you will need.

I believe that zeolite’s ability to help remove the body’s daily dose of toxins is why so many of these “too sick to detox” individuals have been able to successfully detox with zeolite. Once again the dose is crucial. A low dose could overwhelm the system if there aren’t enough available zeolite cages to remove the daily dose toxins from circulation before additional toxins start getting stirred up.

Reason Five: A higher dose helps raise your body’s natural detox capacity by balancing pH levels, reducing inflammation, optimizing immune function, reducing oxidative stress, and improving nutritional status.

The amount of toxins each person is able to handle will be determined by what I call natural detox capacity, which is simply your body’s ability to remove toxins through natural detox functions. The healthier your body is, the higher your natural detox capacity will be. There are many factors that will lower your natural detox capacity including chronic inflammation, an overstimulated immune system, oxidative stress, pH imbalance, and nutrient deficiencies to name a few. The goal is to have a natural detox capacity high enough to effectively remove the daily dose of toxins plus have energy to remove stored toxins. Your ability to avoid accumulation of toxic elements in your body is largely determined by your natural detox capacity. The lower your body’s natural detox capacity, the faster you will accumulate toxins. The healthier you are, the higher your natural detox capacity will be which means your body can handle a higher load of toxins and accumulation will be kept to a minimum. A less healthy individual will have a lower natural detox capacity and toxin accumulation will occur at a much higher rate. The more stress your body is under the lower your natural detox capacity will be. When the body is burdened with anything that makes it work harder than normal to stay in balance its ability to detox decreases and whatever toxins the body can’t remove will be pushed into organs and fatty tissue for storage. Not only does zeolite directly bind to toxins, but it can greatly improve your natural detox capacity. Just from binding to toxins in circulation it takes a load off of the body and helps it keep up with the daily dose of toxins. Now that the body has some help it will stop accumulating toxins and will start dumping toxins from storage for elimination. Zeolite reduces the formation of free radicals and prevents oxidative stress from occurring, it helps regulate the body’s pH, calms down the immune system, lowers inflammation, helps optimize essential nutrient levels, helps repair the lining of the gut, and more. All of these things will contribute to a higher natural detox capacity. Of course it taking the proper dose of zeolite is essential to achieve this. Taking too low of a dose could lower your body’s natural detox capacity, while taking a proper dose will raise it. If a low dose of zeolite is taken which results in redistribution of toxins and stress on the body, the body’s natural detox capacity will go down. If a proper dose is taken that removes stress on the body, natural detox capacity will rise.

For more information on the dosing paradox of zeolite please see our “Higher Dose Theory of Zeolite Page.” 

Recommended Detox Dose

In order to effectively detox with zeolite you need a relatively high dose, and the more toxic you are the higher dose you need. The dose needed varies from person to person based on a number of factors. Basically, the more complex the health challenge the higher the dose that is needed. For ZeoCharge™ we have found that a starting dose of 10 grams per day (2 scoops), taken all at once, works great. If a headache or other detox symptoms occurs it is recommended to double the dose. The healthier you are, the less you need.

Maintenance dose for a healthy individual: 5 grams (one scoop) per day, taken all at once.

Dose for someone who is not as healthy as they would like to be: 10-30 grams per day, taken all at once. The above mentioned dose recommendations are general guidelines and there may be a better dosing strategy for you so I suggest experimenting with various doses to find what works best for you.

The Danger of Liquid Zeolite Supplements

The two most important aspects to consider when utilizing zeolite for detox are quality and quantity. It's important to choose a quality, effective zeolite product and also to take it at the necessary dose. A small dose can result in detox reactions, redistribution of toxins, and an ineffective detox. If you are experiencing detox reactions when taking zeolite you should up your dose immediately. It seems counter-intuitive but the lower the dose, the more likely you are to experience a detox reaction. In order to effectively detox with zeolite you need a relatively high dose, and the more toxic you are the higher dose you need. The therapeutic doses cannot be achieved with liquid zeolite supplements. For most liquid zeolite products you would need to take over 100 bottles per day to get the proper dose. Many people experience a reaction when taking their liquid zeolite supplement which leads them to believe it is working because they are experiencing a detox reaction. Yes, it is working to some extent but the fact that you are experiencing a reaction means you need a way higher dose. Utilizing a high-quality zeolite powder can expedite your results and reduce or eliminate the detox reaction, even in sensitive individuals.


I believe ZeoCharge™ is a better option than any liquid zeolite product on the market and is a proven method to detox heavy metals from your body. If you'd like to give it a try order from the link below!

Use Promo Code "RECHARGE" for 10% off your entire order!

The serving size as stated on the container is 5 grams (one scoop) per day but keep in mind that if you would like to start off with the recommended higher dose of 10 grams per day it will require two jars of ZeoCharge™ for a one month supply. Remember - the healthier you are, the less you need. It is always better to start with a higher dose and work your way down. Enjoy the journey...happy detoxing!

Note on shipping charges- There is free shipping on all orders over $99 shipped to the US. There is a flat rate $19 shipping charge on all orders to Canada, a $29 shipping charge to the UK and Australia and and a $59 shipping charge on orders to the rest of the world.

Want to learn all about how to detox deeply stored metals by using zeolite? Watch this presentation!


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