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Improve Your Sleep With PEMF Therapy

Updated: May 9, 2023

Do you lay awake at night wishing you would be fast asleep? If so you are not alone, millions of Americans have difficulty falling asleep and getting a good night's rest. Did you know that PEMF therapy can help alleviate symptoms of insomnia? If you are among the majority of Americans that have a difficult time falling and staying asleep I encourage you to give PEMF therapy a shot! PEMF helps increase the production of the sleep hormone melatonin. A lack of melatonin is a common cause of sleep issues. Melatonin is produced when the lights go out and prepares your body for sleep, in the high-tech world we live in our bodies are often confused to what time of day it is because of our constant expose to light, especially blue light from televisions, laptops, and cell phones. The constant exposure to artificial light among other things is preventing our bodies from effectively producing melatonin in a timely manner. While PEMF isn’t complete solution, it may be a good place to start.

Since PEMF therapy is known to improve circulation, relax muscles, and lower stress, it will consequently improve sleep as having good-quality sleep depends on all of these factors. PEMF therapy also has positive effects on calming the brain and regulating circadian rhythms. And studies show that circadian rhythms have an important role in controlling sleep patterns and cycles. Ongoing research is underway on PEMF therapy for achieving a better sleep.

Many studies on sleep have proven that sleep disruption causes increased levels of both cortisol and adrenaline at night. Sleep disruption also causes a faster metabolic rate both during the day and at night, which additionally impairs sleep. PEMF therapies can help because of their ability to hinder the activation of both adrenal glands and our sympathetic nervous system.

Studies of brainwave electrical activity have found 2 different stages of sleep, rapid eye movement (REM) and non-rapid eye movement (NREM). NREM sleep accounts for almost 80% of total sleep time in the adult. The early phase of NREM sleep is the deepest sleep period, which usually occurs in early night. And the brainwave patterns during this time are in lower frequencies. PEMF therapy can keep the brain in this optimal state.

In a four-week double-blind, placebo-controlled study, PEMF therapy was tested for Insomnia. A hundred people with Insomnia were randomly assigned to either active treatment or placebo. The PEMF therapy helped about 90% of people in the active treatment group, compared to only about 50% in the placebo group. This study showed that most basic types of sleep problems can be substantially helped with the use of PEMF therapies.


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